
KumariLiving Goddess

Mention Nepal, and most people will conjure up images of the Himalaya. Indeed, eight of the world’s 10 tallest peaks are located here. The country is, however, distinguished not only for its high mountains, but also for its unique cultural heritage, artistic monuments and exotic wildlife.

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PalacePotala Palace

Tibet, the very name evokes feelings of awe and mystery. A mystic, mysterious land of ancient Buddhist culture, awesome landscapes, artistic monasteries and centuries-old caravan trails, Tibet is a destination out of the ordinary, Also known to the world as the Roof of the World.

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DragonThunder Dragon

Bhutan is the only country in the world where Vajrayana Buddhism is predominantly practised, and spiritual values are still a dynamic force in the day to day life of the people. It is one of the few countries which aims as the national policy to increase happiness and not matterial wealth.

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ShivaShiva Darshan

From the advent of Hindu religion for the last 5000 yrs, it is believed that the sacred rivers originate from the center of the universe which is Mt Kailash. Kailash also known as Sumeru Parbat is the home of Lord shiva and indeed the Indus, Satlej, Gangas via Brahmaputra river begins at this most holy spot.

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Welcome to Nepal

Dear Traveler Colleagues
HOLIDAY NEPAL, takes this opportunity to extend to all our heartfelt thanks for your continue support in promoting to NEPAL | TIBET | BHUTAN. As the new season unfold, We take this pleasure in presenting you with our new concept program for conducted tours as tentative FIX schedule which covering entire NEPAL PACKAGES as well as wide range of Trekking & Cultural Tours as round the year 2024 onwards. So, Feel the various Experience - CULTURE, NATURE AND ADVENTURE

We sincerely hope & thanks once again you continuing patronage and look forward to the same in the coming years.

Holiday Nepal Team